Mock exams do not always give us the same result as our real PSLE does. BUT it is still important to take mocks and assess a child’s performance on them because they help us improve on our weaknesses while learning time management skills that will come in handy during the actual exam day.
How to manage PSLE stress?
As exam season looms closer, many students find themselves increasingly anxious and stressed. As a parent or teacher, we should make children understand the root of their anxiety and learn how to overcome it with healthy coping skills, like meditation or deep breathing exercises. Fear not, though, for there are several ways you can reduce the stress that comes with PSLE preparations.
PSLE English Composition Writing and Common Mistakes
Writing is one of the most challenging skills to master as it often requires a student to be adept at many different subjects. Writing has many components, including reading and comprehension abilities, analyzing ideas with planning strategies, or using literary devices such as hyperbole (omg!), similes, metaphors, and alliteration to communicate an idea clearly while […]
The PSLE English Oral Exam Details and Expert Tips to Help Your Child
The oral examination accounts for 15% of your child’s PSLE English grade. Therefore, this component is worth a sizable portion of the overall marks, and thus, it’s an important chance to secure crucial points in this area.