Stress-Free PSLE 2025: Effective Study Habits and Well-being Tips

The PSLE (Primary School Leaving Examination) is a significant milestone for students in Singapore, marking the transition to secondary school. While academic preparation is crucial, the pressure and anxiety surrounding the exam can significantly impact a child’s well-being. This blog post provides a comprehensive guide to navigating the PSLE journey stress-free, focusing on effective study […]

Things Every Parent Should Know About the PSLE Exam

The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is a crucial milestone in the academic lives of Singaporean students. It determines their secondary school placement and can significantly impact their future educational and career paths. As a parent, understanding the PSLE exam is essential to provide your child with the necessary support and guidance. What is the […]

A Guide to Start Preparing for PSLE 2025

As students and parents gear up for the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE), it’s never too early to start preparing. The PSLE, which is typically taken by students in their final year of primary school in Singapore, serves as a crucial stepping stone into secondary education. With the exam slated for 2025, now is the […]

PSLE Science Survival Guide: Mastering Key Topics and Exam Tips for Top Scores

As a parent, you are responsible for nurturing your child’s knowledge and growth. When the PSLE Science exam is gearing up, supporting children to master key topics and score high marks is more important. As Science covers a broader syllabus, your child might think it more challenging to focus on the key topics. But don’t […]

Beyond the Classroom: Building Effective PSLE Learning Habits at Home with Explico

As a parent, you play a crucial role in your child’s education. Discover how can help you develop effective learning habits at home and empower your child for lifelong success.

Benefits of Planning Ahead for Your Children’s Holidays

Most parents are aware of the school holidays weeks before they show up. Yet, it is common to find these same parents wondering where all the time went whenever the holidays come to an end. Both children and parents find that at the end of the holiday season, they cannot point to something tangible accomplished within the period. The reason for this is simple: most folks don’t plan their children’s activities before the holidays, and some don’t even plan.

Benefits of Online Assessment and Studying

Online assessments and studying are essential to achieving several learning goals in the age of digital learning. Research affirms that online knowledge assessment enhances the learning experience, provides real-time feedback, and facilitates students’ development of critical skills. However, despite online learning and assessment popularity, many parents wonder if it’s the best learning approach for their […]

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