TIPS: Help your child continue their learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We all feel for the parents that have to deal with COVID-19. It can be hard when you’re juggling work, family, and adjusting your lifestyle to protect yourself from this virus pandemic that has upended our world as we know it before us! COVID cases are now going up in Singapore, and it’s affecting schools badly.

How To Talk To Your Child About Their Exam Results?

It’s a well-known fact that exam season can be one of the most stressful times for both children and parents. Exam results time is fast approaching, and before your child receives their exam results, you should ask them what they expect from their results. It’s important they know that you will support and provide guidance and advice based on their results. If the outcome is favorable, the child will have a reason to celebrate, and you should plan something special. 

Internet Safety for Kids | How to Keep Your Children Safe Online.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a new fear for Singaporean parents. In a recent survey by Google, 62% of them expressed increased worry about online safety. Their top concerns included protecting children’s privacy and security online and spotting scams or preventing children from oversharing personal information on the Internet. However, with more time spent on screens comes an increased need to protect them from cyber dangers lurking anonymously online.

How To Develop Confidence In Your Child?

You probably noticed when your self-esteem was at an all-time high. You felt good about yourself, and you knew what made life worth living and how to be happy with the person that is me! But have you ever thought about why kids seem so confident in some areas but not others?

5 WAYS: How To Make Holiday Better For Kids

Most kids get pretty tired during the holiday season, and there’s a good chance they’ll be on their best behavior every time you go to another event. But make sure not to schedule more than one demanding activity in a day, as this will only increase your kid’s frustration level – which might turn them into brats! You need to remember that children also enjoy physical activities and plenty of downtime besides just going from place to place with no breaks. And don’t forget: They’re thankful for everything you do too!

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