Challenges of Online Learning and How Most EdTechs Are Solving Them

Challenges of Online Learning


The pandemic has changed the education system dramatically. Currently, over 1.2 billion students are out of the traditional classroom, and the global e-learning market is projected to reach 457.8 billion by 2026.

However, the good news is that this shift has a tremendous impact on learning. For example, research reveals online learning increases retention rates by 25% to 60%. Also, it takes  40% to 60% less time to complete the training online than in physical classrooms.

Although the perks of e-learning are endless, there are also notable challenges associated with it. Again, these difficulties have influenced digital learning positively by challenging EdTechs to grow amid these demands.

If you are unsure about the industry’s challenges and wonder how technology companies are fixing them to improve, you are in the right place.

This article discusses the prominent digital training issues and their solutions.

Let’s get right into it.

Top 5 e-learning challenges and how EdTechs are resolving them


Five evident issues are currently affecting online learning. Thankfully, these difficulties are leading to industry growth. Let’s take a look.

1. An influx in the number of people who take  online courses

The pandemic led to the shutdown of many physical classrooms, so more people are learning from home. As a result, educational institutions and technology companies are under pressure to meet the increasing demands of online training.

Although daunting, EdTechs are combating this challenge by providing advanced tools to accommodate more students. They increase the number of people who can enroll in courses and provide various training to meet their needs. They also cater to the inflow of people interested in digital learning by providing a variety of courses to accommodate people’s interests.

Consequently, e-learning is limitless because technology companies have introduced fewer restrictions as more countries now have access to courses and activities, providing new ways to serve more learners.

2. Increased need for teachers’ advanced training

As many schools worldwide switch to online learning, professional training for teachers becomes a necessity. Since virtual and in-person training methods are different, many trainers struggle to adapt to online learning techniques. Virtual classes require tools and practices unknown to many tutors. So, to tackle this issue, educational companies develop an improved user experience. They make digital learning platforms intuitive for trainers to execute tasks. They also provide onboarding resources like walk-throughs and tutorials to get them started quickly.

Teachers are encouraged to advance their careers through training. They learn the basics and technicalities of teaching electronically, enabling them to conduct training efficiently online.

3. High demand for improved engagement

Like traditional learning methods, students may feel detached during an ongoing class. Some may also get bored of staying in a class for hours or have difficulty understanding new concepts. To keep students active, many companies provide several features like call icons to discuss with trainers privately for better understanding. They also offer exciting visuals to illustrate points and quizzes to keep classes interactive.

Many platforms also allow students to collaborate on projects, giving an on-site learning experience that engages them actively.

As a result, virtual learning is more lively to keep students interested throughout a session, boosting their performance.

4. Increased need for personalized experiences

Transitioning from physical training to online classes requires customized learning to be effective; students have unique learning styles, and offering a generalized approach will be less practical. For this reason, trainers have to provide methods that meet their students’ individual needs.

To solve this challenge, EdTechs enable personalization features to create unique experiences. For example, customized push notifications allow teachers to deliver personal and direct messages to students. These platforms also make course suggestions and recommendations based on their interests and goals.

This way, users can focus on useful programs, learn faster, and achieve better results.

5. Continuous changes due to new trends

Many e-learning platforms have to catch up with constant changes in the industry. When new features and practices emerge, they integrate and implement them to stay relevant.

Although this can be overwhelming, it promotes growth. EdTechs combat this issue by continually upgrading features and users’ experiences, facilitating learning. Also, virtual trainers improve by incorporating new practices that enhance their skills.

Why e-learning is the future of education in 2022 and beyond



The following reasons explain why virtual training will continue to improve learning:

1. E-learning is flexible

Online learning is the best method for emergent situations. Since the future is unpredictable, it will remain the go-to approach to combat uncertainties. Students can learn, and teachers can teach from anywhere, eliminating the need for physical gatherings.

Also, many learners are likely to adopt online learning during and post-pandemic because it allows them to attend to other responsibilities. They can work on their schedule, a perk that physical education doesn’t offer.

2. It is cost-effective

E-learning will stay relevant now and in the future because it enables students to save money. It is more affordable than in-person training as they can avoid transportation expenses and cut tuition and learning materials costs. As a result, students will spend less completing programs and acquiring degrees.

3. It provides a customized experience

Students are looking to learn through their preferred method, and virtual training enables this. While it may be time-consuming and strenuous to cater to their needs individually on-site, e-learning makes it easier to provide recommendations according to students’ needs. They can also schedule virtual, one-on-one training to learn from trainers personally. Subsequently, teachers can access their trainees’ abilities and create a personalized experience that matches their expectations.

4. It offers variety

Learners can explore various training methods with e-learning. For example, they can train through audio, visual, or text. They can also select several courses depending on their interests, making learning fun and less monotonous.


E-learning is highly beneficial for students and trainers. However, it’s associated with challenges that many EdTechs consistently resolve to make online training more rewarding.

These issues include higher demand for online learning, professional development for teachers, improved participation among students, customized learning, and change. EdTechs implemented strategies that led to measurable industry growth in recent years to proffer solutions.

Challenges of Online Learning and How Most EdTechs Are Solving Them
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