Ways to Ensure Shared Parenting Does Not Disrupt Your Child’s Academics


Divorces and separations are a part of human existence. It impacts not just the immediate parties who are separating but also affects the children of the marriage. In a bid to cushion the effects of divorce/separation on children, some separated couples often decide to co-parent their offspring. This has been proven to be beneficial in many ways.

However, navigating relationships with a co-parent is not a walk in the park. This is because you must be deliberate about ensuring that whatever you feel for your former spouse does not affect your children. Unfortunately, it is not any easier regarding your children’s education. Co-parenting could mean potential conflicts regarding payment of fees, emergency contacts, discipline, and so on. You can avoid all these pot-holes by setting clear guidelines for putting your child’s academic future at the fore while co-parenting with your child’s other parent.

This article looks at how you can ensure that shared parenting does not disrupt your child’s academics.

Tips To Preserve Your Child’s Academics While Co-Parenting

Here are some of the tips proven to work over time.

1.    Create a Schedule

As soon as it is settled that you are going to co-parent, you should draft a schedule of how things would work. It helps both the child and parents know their expectations of them while creating the needed sense of routine for the child. The schedule can be flexible, of course. This allows both parties to make adjustments when there’s any need to do so.

2.   Do Not Hoard Information

It is always essential to bring your child’s other parent up to speed regarding any information about your child’s education. This makes the process easier for both parties. It also fosters a healthy co-parenting system. So, inform your ex-spouse about everything, from major projects to minor details like grades. Make sure your child’s other parent is aware of every development as things unfold.

3.   Split the Cost of Education

It is often advisable to share the cost of your child’s education with your child’s other parent. This is for practical purposes. Sharing the cost of education gives you a say as regards any matter that may come up relating to the child’s education.

Ideally, the cost should be split in half for both parties. However, you and your ex could compromise, bearing in mind the other’s earning capacity. In all, education costs do not stop only at tuition. Everything from the cost of books to extracurriculars, school supplies, athletics, and even lunch should be split between you and your child’s other parent.

4.  Put Your Child’s School in the Know

After your divorce/separation, you should let your child’s school know about the state of affairs and any arrangements you have with your ex-spouse. You should speak to your child’s teachers together with your child’s other parents. So, specific transport arrangements, custody, and your children’s transitioning from one home to the other should be factored in. Putting teachers in the know helps them realize who to reach out to sort out any challenge.

You may have to do this a few times as your child moves from one class to another. However, once you realize that it is nothing to be ashamed of, you will be good to go.

5.   Don’t Try To Control Everything

You will fail if you do so. With shared parenting, you cannot control every part of your child’s academic progress. So, while your child is with the other parent, you cannot monitor their bedtime, whether they do their homework, and who they even interact with. This can be frustrating, especially if you are used to having a lot of control. However, you need to realize that you cannot control everything at this point. If you keep pushing back, you could face challenges with your former partner. That will not work out well for your kids.

Explico_Blog_242424246.  Keep Your Children Safe

The primary job of every parent is to keep their children safe, even from themselves. So, it would help if you shield your child from any lingering animosity with their other parent. If you have any conflicts or arguments, hash those out in private. But, most importantly, do not drag your children into any fight or ask them to pick sides. A toxic environment will negatively affect your child.

Partner with Explico for the Best Results

Children often find it challenging to adjust to the reality of a divorce. Thus, their academics sometimes suffer, even when the parents try their best to ensure this is not the case. Thus, do not worry too much if your child experiences academic difficulties. Instead, reach out to Explico today to help set your child on the right path. First, explico assesses your child to determine their strengths and weaknesses. Then we formulate a module based on the child’s needs. You can rest assured that while you sort out co-parenting issues with your child’s other parent, we will ensure your child’s academics do not slip.

Ways to Ensure Shared Parenting Does Not Disrupt Your Child’s Academics
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