Primary 4 English - Overview

The Primary 4 English level is an exciting stage of language development for children. Students build upon their Reading, Writing and communication foundations while exploring more complex Vocabulary and Grammar - leading them to expand their comprehension skills as they do so. Reading comprehension exercises challenge students to read more closely and examine texts with increased depth while writing exercises hone writing abilities by creating coherent and detailed compositions. Primary 4 English's focus is to improve oral communication and build students′ self-confidence when speaking English. Our aim in this level is to promote enjoyment and appreciation for this language while equipping our young scholars with useful language skills they'll carry throughout their academic career and beyond.

List of Modules Covered in Primary 4 English Exam


Module 1

Module 1 in primary 4 english covers 4 crucial components: Grammar, Vocabulary, Visual text, and Situational writing. It aims to further develop students' knowledge and understanding of grammatical rules, build vocabulary and learn to look for clues to answer visual text comprehension questions. They will also learn to write formal and informal letters as well as emails in Situational writing and be exposed to all the types of Situational writing.

Module 2

Module 2 will offer a deeper idea of narrative writing skills. Children will get practice on the skills to plan and write a composition. They will learn about the oral exam and how to get the highest possible marks for both the reading and spoken sections. The module will also cover some important components like Open-ended Comprehension and the Synthesis and Transformation sections.

Module 3

Module 3 in primary 4 english is planned to cover concepts like editing, comprehension, grammar, synthesis and transformation, and visual text. Children will practice theory lessons from previous lessons and practice exam questions.

Module 4

Module 4 spans 17 weeks and focuses on intensive revision of all the previous topics. They can practice exam questions with all the English components to perform well in the year-end English exam.

Interactive lessons with


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Modular lessons

Attend specific lesson that child is weak in

Time Based Learning

Flexible selection from our live and past lessons

Live Assessment

Get immediate results during our live lessons

Engaging lessons

Interact and get immediate clarifications from our teachers


Strategies for Excelling in the Primary 4 English Exam

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An effective strategy is necessary in order to excel in the primary 4 English Test. Before initial preparations, it is crucial that you fully comprehend the format, topics and mark allocation process. Reading various texts can also improve Comprehension skills. Focus on coherence and creativity when writing. Engage in time-bound exercises to better manage your time during tests. Use mock tests to build confidence and simulate real-life test situations. Never lose your composure during an English Exam. Remain calm, read carefully and review your work to pass with flying colors! These strategies will provide the foundation necessary for further language skills development in future exams and future proficiency tests.

Common Challenges to Train Children for Primary 4 English

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Teaching primary 4 English presents unique challenges. Reading comprehension becomes more challenging as children encounter longer texts with more intricate Grammar and Vocabulary, making engagement of regular readers and stimulating creativity through writing more difficult. Shyness or lack of exposure may prevent some children from speaking or listening in English properly; conversely, transitioning from basic skills to more advanced ones may present difficulty for other pupils - these obstacles may need to be met using effective teaching strategies and engaging activities to overcome this barrier.

How Explico′s Online Tuition Can Help Students Crack the Primary 4 English Exam?

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Explico Online Tuition can help students excel at their primary 4 English examinations. Our customized, one-on-one tutoring meets each student′s individual needs to improve Reading, Writing and Grammar skills while engaging teaching methods are used by our tutors so students make real progress in their English exam performance. Online learning gives students access to quality instruction at their convenience, increasing focus and confidence. Explico′s platform offers practice exams and mock exams so students can become acquainted with exam formats while simultaneously honing time management skills. Explico Online Tuition equips students with the confidence and knowledge needed to excel in their Primary 4 English examination. Register with Explico today to begin your journey toward success!

Register with Explico Now to Start Your Preparation!

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Register with Explico's online assessment platform today to begin your academic preparation! Explico provides personalized tutoring based on your learning goals with experienced educators available 24/7 online for tutoring lessons. Flexible scheduling options make learning convenient and efficient while interactive resources and tools facilitate effective instruction. Use practice material and mock tests to improve performance and confidence for maximum academic excellence! Registering today with Explico marks your journey toward academic excellence!

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  • What topics are typically covered in the Primary 4 English curriculum?

    The curriculum in primary 4 English typically includes Grammar, Reading comprehension, Vocabulary, Writing and Speaking skills.

  • How can I help my child improve their Reading Comprehension in primary English 4?

    Encourage your child to read regularly, ask questions about what they read and summarize the main ideas of comprehension passages in primary 4 English.

  • What strategies can I use to enhance my child′s English vocabulary in primary 4 English?

    Introduce new words, read books together, play word games and discuss the meanings and usage of words encountered in daily life.

  • How can I assist my child in preparing for Composition Writing in Primary 4 English?

    Support your child′s composition writing by encouraging them to brainstorm ideas, outline their composition and focus on clarity, creativity and organization in primary 4 English.

  • What resources are available for practice and preparation for the Primary 4 English exam?

    Various resources, including practice books, online exercises and online tuition platforms like Explico, offer personalized guidance and practice tests to help students prepare effectively.